MyEasy25 Feeder Program

The Feeder Program has been set up for three purposes:

  1. Increase My Easy25 membership.
  2. Improve time delays.
  3. Reduce member gift outlay to the absolute minimum. HOW ABOUT $00.00   ????

    This is how it works:
    a.)  You send a $10 gift to the FEEDER Program.
    b.)  You will be entered into the FEEDER Program.
    c.)  You cycle.
    d.)  You receive your $10 back!**
    e.)  You are entered FREE into MY Easy25 Program.(Save $25.00)
    f.)  You are re-entered FREE into the FEEDER! (Save $10.00)
    g.)  **You only receive $10 once. EACH TIME THEREAFTER
    you cycle in the feeder, the money will be used to provide
           you two positions in the feeder and one position
           in the ME25 Matrix.


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